Technica Measurement personnel have recently completed a metering system validation on a two-stream metering system for an independent power station connected to the National Gas Transmission network.
The natural gas fuelled power station in the North-East of England utilises two Ultrasonic meters to measure the gas consumed. The metering system is dual purpose, performing custody transfer measurement of the gas exiting the National Gas Transmission System but also measuring the gas consumed by the power station, which is used to calculate the CO2 emissions and reported annually to the Environment Agency.
Technica Measurement personnel utilised highly accurate, and UKAS calibrated test equipment as well as internally developed validation tools to validate the metering systems were operating within the requirements of National Gas document T/PR/ME/2 part 3.
On completion of the metering system validation, the client was supplied with a report detailing all results recorded during the validation which then forms part of the maintenance records for the measurement system.
Performing important activities such as metering system validations ensures that measurement systems are operating within their agreed uncertainty budgets and with agreed accuracy limits.
Contact if you wish to discuss how Technica Measurement can help you maintain your measurement system.